Become a distributor

Grow your business with AMS Printing!

We're on a mission to find distributors to help us provide our excellent products to every business. We're looking for distributors who are committed in growing their business by offering our high quality products to their customers. If you are interested in becoming a distributor, we'd be honored to work with you.

Ready to grow your business?

3 easy steps to become a distributor

Become a distributor

Wait for your application approval and start earning!

Your discount level will depend on your purchase amount.

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Feel free to contact us:


What are the requirements to become a distributor?

To become a distributor, you must meet certain sales targets and have a valid business license.

How do I apply to become a distributor?

You can apply to become a distributor by filling out our online application form on our website after logging in to your account.

What kind of support do distributors receive?

Distributors receive training, marketing materials, and ongoing support from our team.

Is there a minimum order requirement for distributors?

No, distributors are not required to meet any minimum order requirements, but the discount level will depend on the purchase amount.